Transportation Construction Projects

County WW, Wisconsin River Bridge
The Wisconsin River Bridge rehabilitation project consists of bridge re-decking over the river on County WW in the Village of Brokaw in Marathon County, WI.

I-39, Kennedy Road-Knutson Road
DAAR is providing construction management services on the 5.8 mile reconstruction/expansion of I-39 Mainline from Kennedy Road to Knutson Road.

Milwaukee Streetcar (HOP)
DAAR provided survey, construction management and observation services for Phase I of the Milwaukee Street Car (The HOP) project.

STH 52/BUS 51, City of Wausau
11,000 cars a day will benefit from the smooth ride and extended life of this bridge.

South 35th Street Bridge Over Kinnickinnic River, Local Road
Construction management services were provided for the rehabilitation of an existing three span bridge structure constructed in four stages.

US 10/WIS 441, I-41 Interchange Phase 1
DAAR was part of a four consultant team providing oversight on the staged construction of the first phase of construction for the completely redesigned WIS 441/I-41 system interchange and construction of the substructure work for the new 21-span concrete girder bridge and approaches over Little Lake Butte des Morts (B-70-403) in Winnebago County.
This project was awarded the 2019 Slag Cement Project of the Year award in the category of High Performance by The Slag Cement Association (SCA).

US 14 Wisconsin River Bridge
DAAR provided construction management for this 1.5-mile project which included the bridge replacement of an arch truss structure over the Wisconsin River in Sauk and Iowa counties, WI. The new structure is a 10-span precast concrete girder bridge supported on V-shaped piers with architecture formliner and concrete staining.

US 18, County BB Interchange
DAAR provided construction management services for the $9.5 million rural interchange construction project on US 18.
This project received the 2019 Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association-Grading Award.

US 41/WIS 29 System Interchange
The US 41 corridor expansion project consists of the reconstruction and expansion of 31 miles of US 41 in Brown and Winnebago counties, WI.

WIS 16 Urban Reconstruction
DAAR provided construction management services for the full urban reconstruction of 1.5 miles of WIS 16 (Wisconsin Avenue) in the City of Oconomowoc. All new concrete pavement, curb and gutter, storm sewer, and some sidewalk were replaced as part of this project. The concrete pavement won the State Regional Award. In addition to the roadway reconstruction work, the improvements included a new decorative bridge which won a Small Structures State Award. Innovative filtration devices were built as a means to clean storm water run-off destined for the Okauchee Lake.

Zoo Interchange Core and Adjacent Arterials Reconstruction
Construction management services for the 11-mile Zoo Interchange in Milwaukee County. One of the largest infrastructure projects ever completed in the state.