Becher Street Reconstruction
City of Milwaukee DPW
City of Milwaukee, WI
Total Estimated Cost
$1.1 Million
DAAR provided design services for the reconstruction of Becher Street near the Kinnickinnic River on the south side of Milwaukee.
The accelerated urban reconstruction design included a roadway diet in which a 4-lane divided roadway was converted to a 3-lane TWLTL section. The project also included a reduction in the Becher Street/1st Street intersection, concrete pavement, concrete sidewalks, integral curb and gutter, storm sewer, LED lighting, monotube traffic signals, and innovative elevated bike lanes. The intent of the project was to accommodate site changes for the River1 Development and improve safety for all users, pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. By separating and elevating the bike lanes behind the curb line rather than placing them adjacent to the driving lanes, safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists will be enhanced. By implementing concepts from the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NATCO), Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Facilities Development Manual (FDM), this innovative design will be the first of its kind built in the City of Milwaukee. Construction will occur between April and July 2020, prior to the phase 1 opening of the River1 Development in the fall of 2020.
Project Deliverables:
• Preliminary and final plans
• Detailed staging/traffic control
• Storm sewer design
• LED lighting system design
• Raised/separated bike lane design with green markings
• Pedestrian design with continental (zebra) crosswalks
Project Gallery