Mount Tosa
Toldt Development
Wauwatosa, WI
Total Estimated Cost
$2 Million
Mount Tosa is a 430-unit multi-family development located at the extension of Walnut and 113th Streets. Multiple buildings with both public and private roadways and utility extensions were needed to develop the site. Both surface and underground parking were required to provide enough stalls for the density of the campus. The 19-acre site was formerly a quarry that was converted to a landfill and then reclaimed and converted to a clean earth landfill but was still considered a brownfield.
The project had residual impacted soils which DAAR investigated and modified the concept plan to address. Soils had a high degree of variation and thus foundations systems required to be rammed aggregate pier installation to mitigate the risk. In addition, wetlands and extensive offsite drainage were present on the site and required careful coordination with the WI DNR. DAAR successfully created a plan which utilized the existing wetlands for stormwater management thus saving precious acres for the development.
Project Deliverables
• Concept planning
• Rezoning maps
• Impacted soils mapping and assessment
• Unsuitable soils mapping and assessment
• Wetlands delineations and concurrence letters
• Preliminary and final engineering plans and supporting documents
• Coordination with WI DNR and City on wetland and drainage features
• Preliminary and final plats
• Certified survey map
• Acquisition of site approvals and permits
• Acquisition of WI DNR permits
• Construction administration
• Construction staking
• Record drawings