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DAAR Corporation

I-94 N-S Freeway: Non-Interchange Segments


Wisconsin Department of Transportation (SE Region)


Racine County, WI

Total Estimated Cost

$180 Million

DAAR provided final design services for the non-interchange segments and the WIS 11 interchange, as part of the 35-mile reconstruction of I-94 from the Illinois State Line to the Mitchell Interchange in Milwaukee, WI. The project included reconstruction of approximately 7 miles of interstate, 17 miles of frontage road and 2 miles of side roads. In addition, final design of 13 bridges, numerous retaining walls, box culvert extensions and sign bridges were required.

Coordination with six consultant and WisDOT teams were a significant accomplishment in this project. In designing adjacent interchanges it was necessary to ensure that the match points created a continuous and cohesive project. Complex staging design was required to accommodate the reconstruction. This included coordination with numerous other mainline contracts in Racine, Kenosha and Milwaukee counties.

Project Deliverables:
• Final design plans of non-interchange segments
• Project management

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